Administration Division


Mrs. D. Nandanie Samarawickrama
Additional Secretary

TP : 0112 434689 
Ext :
Mobile : 
Fax :
Email :


Under the supervision of the Additional Secretary (Administration) and under the supervision of the Senior Assistant Secretary, all the institutional and administrative functions of the Ministry are performed. The sub divisions of this division are the Maintenance division, Transport division, Legal division, Human resources division and Parliament affairs division. All matters relating to the staff of the Ministry, implementation of the Information Act, preparation of all documents submitted to the Cabinet including Cabinet Memorandums, answering of Parliamentary Questions, preparation of all documents tabled in Parliament, Training and Capacity Development of Ministry Staff are performed by this division. Apart from that, to maintain the infrastructure facilities of the Ministry Premises and Ministry, including all the buildings and to obtain utility services, to carry out all the media activities related to the Ministry and to carry out all the activities related to the vehicles belonging to the Ministry are the main functions of this division.


Organizational Structure 

Establishment Division

Mr. M. S. M. Nawaz
Senior Assistant  Secretary
TP: +9411 2332443
Ext: 394

Mrs. M.V.I.S. Dissanayaka
(Assistant Secretary-Administration)
TP : 0112-384501
Ext: 234
Fax : 011 2332444
Email :

Mrs. S. D. Sandamali Fernando
(Administrative Officer)
TP : 0112-332444
Ext 230
Fax : 0112-332444
Email : 

The main functions of this division, conducted by Assistant Secretary (Administration) under the direction of Additional Secretary (Administration) and under the supervision of the Senior Assistant Secretary (Administration) are as follows.
  • All administrative matters of the Minister’s staff including the appointment of the staff of the Hon Minister
  • Getting the approval for the cadre of the Ministry, recruitments and matters related to transfers for vacancies
  • Activities related to the local leave of the officers of the Ministry
  • Approval of distress loans and property loans for the officers of the Ministry
  • Approval of overtime and travel expenses of the staff of the Minister and the officials of the Ministry
  • Activities related to the payment of Agrahara insurance of officers of the Ministry.
  • Activities related to the issuance of Holiday Railway Warrants, Railway season tickets of Ministry Officials
  • Obtaining letters received by the Ministry, opening and forwarding them to respective divisions, and the letters that should be sent outside, forwarding to post
  • Settlement bills relevant to expenses incurred on behalf of the Hon’ble Minister’s staff and the Ministry
  • Obtaining and maintaining security and sanitation services of the Ministry
  • To act the Additional Secretary (Administration) as the Information Officer to implement the Right to Information Act and take necessary measures to fulfil the provisions of that Act.
  • Settlement of official telephone bills of the Minister’s staff and officials of the Ministry
  • Measures for issuance of Office Identity Cards
  • Activities relevant to election duties
  • Dealing with the relevant sections of the Ministry on public complaints, grievances and requests received from the Presidential Secretariat and Prime Minister’s Office.

Human Resource Development Division

Ms. M. V. I. S. Dissanayaka
(Assistant Secretary- Administration)
TP : 0112-384501
Ext : 234
Fax : 0112-332444
Email :


Under direction of the Additional Secretary (Administration) and supervision of the Senior Assistant Secretary, this division is managed by the Assistant Secretary (Human Resource Development, Information Technology and Parliament Affairs). The Human Resource Development Division performs the following functions in order to create a competent public servant through the provision of in-service training opportunities.

1.Coordinating official overseas tours, Scholarships and direct overseas training programs of following nature

  • Official overseas trainings and workshops participated by the officers of the Ministry.
  • Official overseas tours and training programmes attended by officers of corporations and statutory boards under the purview of this Ministry.

2.Performing duties related to Official passports.

3.Coordinating all the official overseas tours and training except for direct invitations.

4.Coordinating short term local capacity development programs and organizing internal training programs in order to fulfil the needs of the institution.

5.Coordinating long term local capacity development programs.

6.Coordinating post graduate degree program

7.Evaluating training requirements.

Parliamentary Affairs Division

Ms. M. V. I. S. Dissnayaka 
(Assistant Secretary – Administration)
TP : 0112-384501
Ext : 234
Fax : 0112-332444
Email :
This division is managed by the Assistant Secretary (Human Resource Development, Information Technology and Parliamentary Affairs) under direction of the Additional Secretary (Administration) and supervision of the Senior Assistant Secretary. This division is entrusted with performing following duties in coordination with the Parliament of Sri Lanka and the Office of the Cabinet of Ministers
  •  Sending Cabinet Memorandums and Notes to the Cabinet 
  •  Taking measures related to Cabinet decisions
  •  Sending observations for Cabinet Memoranda
  •  Sending answers to parliament questions
  •  Carrying out activities related to the Consultative Committee of the Ministry
  •  Carrying out matters pertaining to the Committee on Public Petitions
  •  Carrying out activities related to Sectoral Committee Meetings
  •  Dealing with reports and documents sent by the Parliament
  •  Carrying out inquiries related to the subject under the Sri Lanka’s Right to Information (RTI) Act
  •  Coordinating other meetings held in the Parliament premises
  • Cabinet Memorandums
  • Notes to the Cabinet

Transport Division

Mrs. M.V.I.S. Dissanayaka
(Assistant Secretary-Administration)
TP: 0112-384501
Ext: 234
Fax: 011 2332444

This Division is managed by the Assistant Secretary (Administration) under the supervision of the Senior Assistant Secretary and under the direction of Additional Secretary (Administration). Following measures are taken to provide the required transport facilities for the Ministry.
  • Carrying out vehicle maintenance and official transport services. Calling the required estimates, submitting them for approval, getting the repairs done properly and making the payments.
  • Effective utilization of drivers’ service. Assigning the relevant duties to the drivers and getting them done properly.
  • Acquisition, Transfer and Disposal of Vehicles. Acquisition of vehicles belonging to another institution to the Ministry, transfer of vehicles under the Ministry to another institution, sale of vehicles of the Ministry to an outside party and disposal of unsuitable vehicles.
  • Payment of fuel allowances of officers. Fuel allowances of the Hon. Minister, Minister’s Staff and Ministry Officers and Payment of Additional Fuel.
  • Allocation of vehicles for the regional offices implemented under the Ministry and maintenance them properly.
  • Supply of fuel for vehicles (preparation of required applications) and make payments.
  • Preparation of documents for payment of overtime allowances of drivers.

Legal Division

Ms.P.G.T.P de Silva
legal officer I
TP: 0112327760
Ext: 246
Branch: Legal
Mobile: 0714472413
Fax: 2327760

legal officer II
TP: 011-2327807
Ext: 331
Branch: Legal
Mobile: 0766903440
Fax: 2327760


This division is controlled by two Legal Officers under the direction and under the supervision of the Additional Secretary (Administration). Division Provides necessary legal assistance for legal matters, including judicial proceedings regarding the industry sector and public enterprises coming under the purview of the Ministry. The legal division also deals with the Attorney General’s Department, the Legal Draftsman’s Department, and other relevant authorities in matters relating to the Ministry and its public Enterprises.

Translation Division

Mrs. M.V.I.S. Dissanayaka
(Assistant Secretary – Administration)
TP: 0112-384501
Fax: 0112-332444

Translation division is managed by the Assistant Secretary (Administration) under the direction of the Additional Secretary (Administration) and under the supervision of the Senior Assistant Secretary (Administration). Following documents are translated into Sinhala, Tamil and English.

Cabinet Memorandums

  • Notes to the Cabinet
  • Parliament Questions
  • Annual Performance Reports
  • Letters received from the Minister’s Division
  • Letters received from the divisions of the Ministry
  • Letters received from institutions under the Ministry- Newspaper advertisements

Maintenance Division

Mrs. M.V.I.S. Dissanayaka
(Assistant Secretary – Administration)
TP: 0112-384501
Ext: 234
Fax: 0112-332444

This division is managed by the Assistant Secretary (Administration) under the direction of the Additional Secretary (Administration) and under the supervision of the Senior Assistant Secretary. Following activities are carried out by the maintenance division.
  • Building Renovation and Modernization activities:
    Renovation of the official residence of the Hon. Minister, repairs and renovations of the main buildings of the Ministry are carried out.
  • All repairs on photocopiers, air conditioners, fax machines, printers, internal telephones etc. located in the Ministry are carried out.
  • Generator / Electrical Circuit Repair:
    In case of any power failure in the area belonging to the Ministry, maintenance work of the Volvo generator will be carried out in order to conduct functions of the Ministry without any hindrances. As well, all the repairs of the Electrical circuit will be carried out.
  • Providing direct telephone connections
    Sri Lanka Telecom provides direct telephone connections to the executive officers and Divisions of the Ministry.
  • Fingerprint machine repairs
    All maintenance of fingerprint machines installed at the Ministry and its Regional Industrial Service Centers are conducted.
  • Activities related to the plumbing system of the Ministry.