Division : Policy Development Sector

Branch : Policy Development Sector

Service : Dealing with requests made by the industrialist to eliminate discrepancies in the existing duty tax structure and taking action on duty tax issues and duty tax policies.

The Policy Division will take steps to resolve duty issues related to the industrial sector.

Process / Stages

  1. Submit a letter to the Ministry of Industry requesting that such a problem (especially with regard to duty tax policy) be resolved by the industrialists who feel that it has arisen.

  2. Obtaining comments and suggestions on such requests in writing from the relevant stakeholders. Considered the Chairman / Members of the Advisory Committee, Associated Industrialists, Industrial Associations / Board Stakeholders.
  3. Review the information submitted by the applicant with the comments, ideas and suggestions received from the relevant stakeholders.
  4. Submitting such information to the Import Restriction Review Committee (IRRC) for approval.

  5. After the approval of the IRRC Committee, the recommendations of this Ministry are forwarded to the Department of Fiscal Policy and the Department of Trade and Investment Policy for necessary action.

  • letter of request.
  •  Local value-added report certified by a Chartered Accountant.

Division : Industrial Policy Development
Branch : Industrial Policy I
Name : P.Namagal
Service : Sri Lanka Administrative Service I
Designation : Director I
Telephone : 0112390141
Ext : 427
Fax : 0112347393
Email : industrypolicy@gmail.com