Women and children are mostly affected by the current economic crisis in Sri Lanka – Ms. Mikiko Tanaka, Head of the South and Southwest Asia Sub-regional Office ESCAP (Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific)


Micro, small and medium enterprises are given maximum support to overcome the existing situation – Dr. Ramesh Pathirana, Minister of Industries


Ms. Mikiko Tanaka, Head of the South and Southwest Asia Office of the United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific (ESCAP)said that she observed how women and children were suffering mostly due to the severe economic crisis that Sri Lanka is currently facing. She further said that there is a chance of securing women and children in the family environment by promoting micro and small-scale women entrepreneurs.


She explained this while participating in a special discussion held at the Ministry of Industries with Dr. Ramesh Pathirana, Minister of Plantation and Industries today (02).


Ms. Mikiko Tanaka further added that UESCAP has already implemented many programs to promote the development of enterprises in Sri Lanka and her organization will continue to support Sri Lanka in the future. She said that the promotion of women’s entrepreneurship in the micro and small-scale sectors was discussed at length, especially under the current economic situation.


Dr. Ramesh Pathirana stated that the ministry and the government are already working to promote micro and small-scale women entrepreneurs by covering every district. Minister Dr. Ramesh Pathirana said that several programs have been implemented by the Ministry of Industries for this purpose and they are going to the micro and small-scale women entrepreneurs at the rural level, providing them with the necessary facilities and measures to uplift them.


The minister further pointed out the importance of manufacturing and using environmentally friendly packaging made from natural materials by micro, small and medium enterprises using available 62 kinds of raw materials like palm, coconut, bamboo, and clay in Sri Lanka. The minister said that many new job opportunities could be created by promoting the production of packaging made from such natural ingredients and this was a great help to reduce the use of polythene and plastic. Minister expressed that he hops for the support of the United Nations Economic and Social Commission for the Asia and Pacific Region (ESCAP)for this purpose


Ms. Mikiko Tanaka said that her organization would support the development and promotion of enterprises in more than 20 countries and would provide the necessary support for the promotion of enterprises in Sri Lanka as well as for the production of packaging using environmentally friendly natural materials as an industry.


A group of officials including Mrs.Thilaka Jayasundara, Secretary of the Ministry of Industries, Mr. Janaka Dharmakeerthy, Secretary of the Ministry of Plantation, Dr. Saranga Alahapperuma, Chairman of the Ceylon Industrial Development Board, Mr. Sampath Arehapola, Chairman of the National Crafts Council, and Mr. Denzil Perera, Chairman of Laksala participated in this discussion.